Risk assessment completed by: Kayla Jolly


Fairford Youth Football Club

Notes: This should be used in conjunction with the club risk assessment. Where there is any contradictions between the club risk assessment and this COVID-19 assessment, the COVID-19 measures must take precedence
Checked by: Jason Winter

Club Secretary

Activities covered: Training sessions carried out within current FA guidance restrictions
Venue: Horcott Lane club house and pitches People who this risk assessment covers Coaches, Player, Spectators, Volunteers, Committee members


Risk Actions
Transmission from those with or developing symptoms whilst attending the session ·       Before the start of any session all participants including coaches, players and carers to self check for symptoms or need to quarantine using the self check set out in summary of this document and any updated information from the government. The self checking document should be circulated to all member of the club including players and their families and they should acknowledge they have received, read and understood by means of the written consent form.

·       Should any persons self checking symptoms answer yes they must not attend the session and follow the most up to date guidance provided by the government.

·       Coaches to be aware of any symptoms and be aware of any participant displaying these at any stage of training. If someone displays symptoms during a session the session must come to a close and all participants must go home. The person displaying symptoms must follow current government guidelines and seek a test where necessary

·       Lead Coaches to keep a register of active attendees for purpose of track and trace and this should be provided to club on request.

Transmission through close physical contact – training and game play ·       Training sessions to be carefully constructed by the Coaches to meet the current government guidance taking into consideration the age and understanding of their players. This should include limiting the amount of contact game time.

·       Encourage where possible social distancing of the appropriate distance (2m/1m+)

·       Practice good hygiene including regular sanitisation of hands and coughing/sneezing into a tissue and binning. Hands should be sanitised prior to commencement of training and at regular intervals throughout the session


Transmission through close physical contact – First aid ·       Safety of all is paramount not only from COVID-19 but from any potential injury and best practice for this should come from the Club risk assessment.

·       Minor first aid such as TLC or cleaning of minor cuts and grazes must be completed by a member of the person’s family or support bubble.

·       First aid will only be administered by a qualified member of the club in severe circumstances by agreement of both parties.

·       Where close contact is required for first aid the appropriate PPE including disposable face mask; disposable gloves; hand sanitiser; and anti-bacterial wipes should be used but not as a substitute for good hygiene such as hand washing.  

Transmission through close physical contact – Arrival, Departure and spectators ·       Those arriving and leaving and watching should be reminded to maintain social distance. Any persons not adhering maybe asked to leave.

·       Each set of participants should arrive no earlier than 5 minutes prior to the session

·       Each set of participants should leave immediately after sessions

·       Where possible stagger start and finish times to minimise the amount of people using entrance and exits at any one time.

Transmission through handling of equipment ·       Frequently sanitise all equipment between sessions with a suitable disinfectant product.

·       Frequently clean objects and surfaces that are regularly touched such as goal posts and dispose of cleaning materials appropriately.

·       Where possible equipment should not be shared and coaches should only handle equipment.

·       Spectators should not touch equipment including retrieving of balls.

·       Participants should be encouraged to handle the ball as little as possible and should retrieve balls using their feet where possible.

·       Goalkeepers should use their own gloves which should be disinfected regularly.

·       Water bottles and personal items should be clearly labelled, must be stored separately and allow for at least 1m between different members belongings

Transmission through inadequate Personal hygiene ·       Toilet facilities will not be available during training sessions.

·       Participants must use a tissue or sleeve or elbow to catch a cough or sneeze. It must be binned immediately and hands sanitised.

·       Keep hands away from face including mouth, nose and eyes.

·       Avoid close contact with people who are unwell where possible.

·       All cuts to be covered with a suitable waterproof covering such as a plaster to limit areas where infection can enter

·       Hand sanitiser available outside the club house in a location that is convenient and will enable social distancing to take place.


Assessors statement:


Having reviewed the risks, I believe implementing the actions identified above will reduce the risk to those involved with club with regards to COVID-19


Date completed  12th August
Assessors signature  


















Additional Task precautions


Information, Instruction and training applicable to actions ·       All managers, players and parents to receive a copy of the risk assessment and adhere to instructions.

·       Any difficulties in understanding this risk assessment must be identified and

·       Timings and locations to be communicated to all participants and adhere to timings

Self-Check Screening Each participant should self-check prior to the arrival of training or any football activity to ensure they answer no to all the following questions as these are potential indicators or risk factors for COVID-19

·       High temperature above 37.5

·       New continuous cough

·       Shortness of breath

·       Sore throat

·       Loss or change to sense of taste or smell

·       Feeling generally unwell

·       Been in close contact or living with someone who has either suspected or is positive for COVID in the past 14 days

·       Has returned from one of the named countries where it is a requirement to quarantine for 14 days following the return. (Please see government website for a up to date list)